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Book and Bench

This Week's Pondering:

Q: What do you enjoy about the winter?

A: I enjoy the calm, the slow, the peace and quiet that comes from winter.

It feels like nature is reminding me that life still moves forward even when everything is still. Winter serves as a metaphor for me. I can't see what's going on inside of the deciduous trees as they sit there naked and seemingly starved or even dead. But actually, there's quite a bit happening inside of the body of a tree.

It still holds water, and has a special way of protecting the water from freezing. Under that surface, trees are also preparing to produce new leaves once the warmer weather comes around; once the time is right.

Likewise, we humans go through similar cycles. Sometimes the work we are doing is internal, and cannot be noticed by anyone other than ourselves. It doesn't mean "nothing is happening." It just means we are preparing to share something new and more useful to the outside world once the right time comes.

Your turn: What do you enjoy most about the winter months?


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